What can casinos do to fight germs? Some advocate for disinfectant gel or wipes at each gambling station.
Casinos are high-stakes environments, and not only because of all the wagers. Think about it. While they’re being entertained, guests touch chairs, tables, slot machines, restrooms, playing cards, their smartphones, drink machines and, of course, poker chips. It’s the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
A professor and his students from the University of Nevada Las Vegas conducted a study in five Las Vegas casinos. They found chips distributed in all five were teeming with microorganisms, the most common of which was staphylococcus. This can cause anything from pimples or boils to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), a disease that kills 80,000 people each year. The researchers also found lots of bacillus cereus, a main cause of food poisoning.
Gamblers Spread Germs Through Contact
So, what can casinos do to fight germs? Some advocate for disinfectant gel or wipes at each gambling station. Aside from killing germs like staph and bacillus cereus, disinfectant can also kill germs from the common cold. This only works, of course, if gamers choose to use the sanitizing measures. Some organizations have urged casinos to start campaigns about the importance of washing and sanitizing hands.
Another way casinos can take a proactive approach to minimizing the spread of germs is by using germ-resistant equipment to communicate with guests. Antimicrobial pagers are now being used by leading establishments to help minimize the spread of germs in casinos and other hospitality environments.
A study by the University of Colorado at Boulder found that 150 kinds of germs and microorganisms live on the hand palms of the average person. Many of those are harmless, but having an antimicrobial paging solution will block at least one mode of transmission for the dangerous germs.
How Guest Pagers Improve the Casino Guest Experience
Guest pagers serve several important functions in a casino. Guests have the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the resort and casino, gambling or shopping, while waiting for seating in the restaurant or poker room to become available. Guests can simply take a pager and return when their table is ready. After all, customer service is what defines you in the competitive world of casinos. Better to keep guests playing – and spending – than waiting.
Another benefit is that long lines are eliminated at the buffet or restaurant, increasing staff efficiency and turning tables quicker. Fewer congested areas also helps prevent the spread of sickness among guests.
Using text pagers also eliminates the need for overhead paging, which can be distracting to other guests and disruptive to the calm, fun environment your establishment wants.
There is no getting rid of germs, but high-volume environments like casinos must be extra vigilant about keep germs and bacteria in control. Using sanitizing and disinfecting measures and equipment like antimicrobial pagers is a great way to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.
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